Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog Assignment5

The main character in The Old Man and the Sea are Santiago, a fisherman and Manolin, a boy who helps him.

Three adjective that describe Santiago are old, lonely, and kind.
I described old at first because he is thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck and has blotches. The reason I described lonely is he doen't have wife and his child. Also, he is always alone and when he is not alone, he is with only Manolin. I described he is kind because the boy wants to fish with Santiago and Santiago wants to fish with the boy,too. However, he thought that's too danger for the boy and refuse his request.(pp.10) Therefore, I described that Santiago is old, lonely, and kind.

Three adjectives that describe Manolin are kind, young, and adult.
I described that he is kind at first because he always thinks and worries about Santiago. Also, he spreads blanket over the old man when he is sleeping and he helps with the old man's preparation for fishing. Second, I described that the boy is young. This is because he obeys his father because he is young. However, I described that he is adult. This is because when Martin, the boy's owner gives him the two sets of knives, forks, and spoons, Manolin had already thanked to the owner before Santiago thanked to the owner. That's why I thought he is adult though he is young. Therefore, I described that Manoline is kind, young, but adult.

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